I am almost finished, i have to add a little bit to it. Sometime tomorrow or Saturday I got the whole derrik painted and I will be able to put it in.
The top photo is a picture of the whole derrik. Second photo you can see how tall it is. I haven't measured it yet. I am 5ft 6in and it is a little taller than I am. I have started painting the crown, its going to be yellow. This coming week I will put the derrik up again and you will see it's almost fully painted. Third photo...it the block that I made by hand. Its made out of wood. The photos that I will add later, will show that will also be painted. Fourth photo...Here I am standing next to the derrik. As you can see, it is taller than I am. You can probably say it is about six feet high. Fifth photo...as you can see the symbol of Cinco drilling company I like the shape and the color. This was a drilling rig symbol that used to be in operation back in probably the 70's & 80's. The guy who used to be my step father, used to work for Cinco. My father in law also worked for Cinco when he owned his own business. He was a waelder. I drew the symbol up on wood and painted it onto the wood. If anyone who sees this knows someone who has a picture or has a picture of a Cinco drilling company, I would like to know so I can see photos or maybe aquire some in the nearest future. I have been looking for some for my collection. Last picture is another picture of the block I made. I apprectiate you looking at my website. Like I said, I have seen old timey rigs built of wood but nothing like the way I am making this one. Also, it is not as easy as it looks. Also, if you know where I can get some small tiny lights I would like to put some on my derrik, but find it hard to find some. Thanks for stopping by and looking.
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